MANY LINED BASSLET LIOPROPOMA MULTILINEATUM Description: The Many Lined Basslet is just that an orange red fish with many lines. They will remind you of your favorite pin striped suit and will add beauty to any aquarium. They originate from the Western Pacific region. They are indeed unique in their own way. Recommended Tank Size: It is recommended that the minimum size tank is 30 gallons. The temperature of the water should be 72-78° F. The aquarium should also contain plenty of room to swim as well as plenty of live rock to hide. Food and Diet: The Basslet Many Lined is an omnivore. They feed upon a variety of frozen and fresh vitamin enriched foods to thrive and to keep its bright color. It is also recommended to feed them many small meals a day over one or two large meals. Level of Care: Easy Reef Compatibility: Reef Compatible