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BASSLET TOBACCO MEDIUM Serranus tabacarius Common Names: Tobacco Fish, Tobacco Bass Description: The Basslet Tobacco can be commonly found in the tropical Western Atlantic. They are light gray on the bottom and a black and silver mottled pattern dorsally, split from each other by an orange band. The Basslet Tobacco grows to a larger size than other fish in the Damsel family. Recommended Tank Size: It is recommended that if you house a single Basslet Tobacco to have a minimum of a 55 gallon tank. If there is more than one, it is recommended that the tank is 100 gallons or larger. Basslet tobacco needs to be introduced to the aquarium at the same time as other fish. They also enjoy a tank with plenty of room to swim as well as plenty of live rock to hide Food and Diet: The Basslet Tobacco is a carnivore and feeds upon a variety of vitamin enriched foods fresh and frozen marine fish, squid, shrimp, and mysis. Level of Care: Easy Reef Compatibility: May eat ornamental shrimp ?