Pterophyllum scalare Description: A peaceful fish that can be combined in any community tank with other peaceful, medium to large sized fishes. Do not combine with small fishes for these will likely be eaten. Angels can be kept in a pair or in a group. For pairing, raise a group of individuals from youth, and select a pair that forms. The aquarium should be set up with large plants, driftwood and roots for hiding places, but leave an open area for swimming. The fish is a hardy fish recommended for beginners. The height of the aquarium should be at least 50 cm (20"). We have fed our Angels the current All Purpose Fish Food Formula in our Florida Facility for over a year. Our cichlids are noticeably more active, grow quicker, have improved color, and we have all but eliminated bloat in even the most sensitive species, including tropheus. We have fed it to New World and African cichlids, assorted Livebearers, Discus, Loaches, Catfish, Danios, Tetras, Australian Rainbows, and virtually any fish that will eat a prepared food. Try some today and see for yourself !