YELLOW BACKFIN TANG - medium 3-4 inches
TANG YELLOW BACKFIN MEDIUM Acanthurus bariene Common Name: Bariene Tang, Acanthurus bariene, Bariene Surgeonfish, Blackspot Tang, Eye-Spot Tangs Description: This fish is a very beautiful addition to any tank. Recommended Tank Size: This fish should be kept in a tank able to hold at least 100 gallons of water with a temperature range between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH level of about 8.1-8.4. This fish is generally very peaceful and will get along with other tankmates. This tank should be equipped with plenty of room for swimming. Food & Diet: This Tang is considered an herbivore. A proper diet for this fish should consist of marine algae. They are hearty eaters and like to be fed constantly. Level of Care: Moderate Reef Compatibility: Reef compatible