Tetraodon cutcutia regular
Tetraodon cutcutia Common Name: Common Puffer Other Common Names: Emerald Puffer, Sea Frog Family: Tetraodontidae Distribution: Malaysia,Myanmar,India,Bangladesh,Sri Lanka Water Parameters: Temp: 23 - 26C (74 - 80F); pH:6.0 - 7.8 Personality/Temperament: Aggressive to both its own species and other fish Activity: Hunter, very inactive though Max. Size: 4 inches (9.5cm) Estimated Lifespan: Not known Sexual Dimorphism: None shown Care: Pufferfish are extremly sensitive to nitrites and ammonia and should only be introduced into a fully cycled aquarium. Due to their messy eating habits, overfiltration is recommended. Breeding: A substrate spawner.Eggs guarded by the male who gently fans them.Fry hatch after 7-10days. Minimum Tank Size: 20 US gallons (75 liters)