GOBY RAILWAY GLIDER MEDIUM Valenciennea helsdingenii Common Names: Sleeper Railway Glider Goby, Twostripe Goby Description: The Goby Railway Glider has a white body with two orange and black horizontal stripes ranging from the head to the tail. To give it an edgy look the dorsal fin is black which adds a finishing look. They will also keep the sand clean. The Goby Railway Glider originates from Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Recommended Tank Size: The recommended tank size for the Goby Railway Glider is a minimum of 50 gallons filled with sand substrate. They will feed on the bottom of the tank in the sand so it is important to keep the sand well-oxygenated. It is also recommended to keep them in pairs as they work the best. The aquarium also needs to contain live rock for hiding places. Food and Diet: The Goby Railway Glider is a carnivore and feeds upon a variety of vitamin enriched foods such as prepared foods, bloodworms, frozen brine, and mysis shrimp. It is recommended that they should be fed several meals a day. Level of Care: Easy Reef Compatibility: Reef Compatible