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PUFFER MIURUS RED Tetraodon miurus.....T. miurusis a freshwater puffer found in the larger rivers (and sometimes rapids) of central Africa. These puffers prefer sandy bottoms, since they like to bury themselves up to their eyes. It will spend much of its time this way, as they have evolved an almost dorsal placement to their eyes. Their diet consists of invertebrates (such as worms and the like) and the occasional crustacean. The Congo puffer is capable of wide color changes (possibly to adapt to the color of the aquatic floor) ranging from dark browns to greenish-brown to an almost yellow or orange hue. This is an highly aggressive puffer, lying in wait until something tasty passes by. If you are able, it should be fed feeder guppies and live ghost shrimp. Tankmates, if it is to have any, should be considerably larger