Neon Butterfly Balloon Molly Regular Poecilia Mollies are very closely related to the guppies, and are both members of the same genus, Poecilia. Also included in this genus are the platys. Most mollies that are sold are found in Central America and southern part of the United States. They can be found as either shortfin or sailfin mollies. The shortfin are smaller and the sailfin are bigger. Male mollies have larger dorsal fins than females. Shortfin mollies: The color on these fish is a greenish/silver with some brown and yellow patterns on them, along with the black spots that will vary. Keeping the tank warm will keep these fish happy. In the wild, you would see them in warm springs and ponds, with some weeds. They feed on both plant and animal matter, but are mostly herbivores. Keep the pH between 7.0-8.0; and the dH between 20-30. Sailfin mollies: The name describes what this fish can look like. With a fin that can be the size of the fish itself, it is a very nice fish to have in an aquarium, for the display! The size of this fin will determine their mate, and also the rank among other Mollies. The color of these fish is a light grey, but can turn a green-ish blue during breeding. There will be rows of spots, almost to the point of stripes. The black molly is a very popular species of molly. Also feeding on algae and other plants, they occasionally will eat larvae of mosquitos. Breeding: Keep them in a warm, healthy tank. Keep lots of green in the diet. Most reports of failed breeding are because of the tank and the stress of the fish. Make sure there is plenty of room to swim around, no breeding traps. Mollies have been selectively breed by fish farmers from around the world to come up with many variation of colors and patterns. The variations is almost limitless with new morphs showing up annually.