
Melanochromis Joanjohnsonae (Red Exasperatus) small

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his is a red morph of the common joanjohnsonae. Beautiful color much improvement over the wild variety Scientific Name: Melanochromis joanjohnsonae common name of Exasperatus. This omnivore is from the sediment rich rocky habitat of Likoma Island. Is a mildly aggressive dimorphic maternal mouthbrooder which makes it easy to sex at an early age. This is a great fish for a beginner and is found in the Standard mix and Prestige mix featured on the specials section of this web site. It is advised to have plenty of rock and or cover in its tank. This mbuna does well with feeding the Red Zebra Stampede, augmented with the Zebra Pasture or Hippocampus Green to provide the spirulina and plant material so vital for mbuna health. They appreciate the addition of a quality aquarium or Cichlid Salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon per gallon of water.