ANTHIAS LYRETAIL SMALL Pseudanthias squamipinnis Common names: Scalefin Anthias, Jewel Anthias, Orange Anthias, Sea Goldie Anthias Description: Anthias are protogynous hermaphrodites,which means that females can change into males. They are all born females and some will turn into males if there is a shortage of males. One can determine the difference between a male and female just by looking at the color. The male fish has a purple to red color with an elongated fin. The female fish tends to have an orange tint color. Recommended tank size: In the wild anthias lyretail lives among coral reefs. When setting up your aquarium it is best to mimic those conditions. The aquarium should contain a lot of caves among live rocks. You can also include corals. Make sure there is plenty of open space for your anthias lyretail to swim on when you decorate the aquarium. They prefer a not too brightly lit aquarium. It is also recommended the aquarium have strong circulation with a few calmer places so tired anthias lyretail can rest. For one Anthias Lyretail it is recommended that you have a 50 gallon tank. But The Lyretail Anthias does best when kept in a group and housed in a species-specific aquarium of at least 125 gallons in size. Male Anthias Lyretail is best kept alone or with several females. Although the Anthias Lyretail generally occupies the middle of the aquarium, it appreciates the availability of several hiding places. Diet and food: Anthias Lyretail is a very active fish and has a high metabolism; due to these factors they need to be fed several times a day. It is recommended that they are fed at least four times a day. These fish also have the same diet as other fish in the Anthias group. Anthias Lyretail is fed zoo-plankton and floating filamentous algae. In aquariums these fish needs to be fed a varied diet. It is important to note that they have small mouths and need to be fed small food. Acceptable food to feed them are mysid shrimps, vitamin enriched brine shrimp, and finely chopped sea food. Feeding them color enhancing food can help make sure that they don't lose their color. Level of Care: Moderate Reef Compatibility: Aquarium Compatibility