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ANGEL LEMON PEEL FIJI MEDIUM Centropyge flavissimus Common Name: Lemon Peel Angel, Lemonpeel Angel Description: The Lemon Peel Angel is a very popular addition to any tank. This fish is bright yellow in color and has a striking blue ring around the eyes and the opening of the operculum. One small distinction between the adult and the juvenile version of this fish is that, as a juvenile the fish may have a dark spot on its side with a blue ring around it. This is just about the only way to distinguish a juvenile Lemon Peel from an adult. Recommended Tank Size: The Lemon Peel Angel should be kept in a tank able to hold at least 30 gallons of water with a temperature range between 74 - 80 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH level of about 8.1 - 8.4. This fish should not be placed in a tank with other angel fish. There should be plenty of live rock in the tank to provide the fish an area for grazing as well as hiding. Food & Diet: The Lemon Peel Angel should be fed a varied diet. This diet may consist of vegetable based flake or pellet foods. It is okay to supplement this diet with dry sheets of nori and frozen or live foods. Level of Care: Moderate Reef Compatibility: Reef compatible with caution, nips at corals and mantles