FOXFACE LARGE Siganus vulpinus Common Name: Foxface Lo, Foxface Rabbitfish Description: The Foxface fish is a very interesting looking fish, aside from the fact that is a fox-like face, the body and head of the fish have a huge color contrast. This fish a body that is mottled yellow-brown body, a dark chest, and the lower half of the face is speckled and overall very light in color. Recommended Tank Size: The Foxface fish should be kept in a tank of about 70 gallons with a temperature range between 72 - 78 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH level of about 8.1 - 8.4. This fish is generally very peaceful but it should not be kept in a tank with other rabbitfish. The tank should provide plenty of room for the fish to swim. Food & Diet: The Foxface fish is an herbivore. The fish should be fed a varied diet that consists of fresh vegetables and undesirable species of algae. Feed your new fish regularly so that it does not eat the soft and hard coral polyps. Level of Care: Easy Reef Compatibility: Reef compatible as long as they are fed well