very similar to the L240 Vampire pleco LARGE Leporacanthicus galaxias l007 Distribution The genus has been reported from the upper Brazil, Para and Rio Guama.;L. galaxias originates from the southern tributaries of the middle and lower Amazon, including Madeira, Tocantins and Guamá Rivers, as well as in the Ventuari River basin of the upper Orinoco drainage. Description Leporacanthicus species have large teeth in the upper jaw; usually there are only two teeth on each premaxilla, the inner teeth very long. Species of Leporacanthicus are medium-sized loricariids with a narrow, pointed head, round lower lip, and fleshy tentacles on the upper lip. The colour pattern is generally dark gray to black with white to golden spots or a light gray with medium-sized black spots. The abdomen is naked (scaleless and unplated). The caudal fin is straight and angled posteroventrally. L. galaxias are basic black with many white spots. In the aquarium Leporacanthicus are called vampire plecostomus in the aquarium literature in reference to their large teeth that are characteristic of the genus. These species should be fed invertebrate matter such as mollusks or crustaceans; however, they will accept other foods as well. These fish are territorial species. L. galaxias originates from oxygen-rich environments and should be provided with such a habitat in the aquarium. This fish is not often seen during the day. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia