
Cyphotilpia Kipili Frontosa small

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COMMON NAME: Frontosa. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cyphotilapia frontosa GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRBUTION: Lake Tanganyika. SIZE: Up 12 in WATER PREFERENCES: Hard, Alkaline water between 72-82°F DIET: All foods, particularly live foods. BREEDING:; brooded orally by females for several weeks. This is a spectacular, rather sedate, deep-water species which, despite its size, is generally peaceful. It should not be housed with fast-swimming, rumbustious species. This fish is native to the lake Lake Tanganyika located to the eastern part of the African continent. This fish rarely comes close to the shore line and is pelagic in nature. The fish remains at the bottom of the lake. The fish swims at deep water levels that are about 30 to 50 meters below the surface. It hardly comes close to the shore like other cichlids to eat shoaling variety of fish like those belonging to the specie named the Cyprichromis. The coloration of the fish is characterized by 5 to 7 vertical black marking in a bluish or whitish base. It has training fins with a bluish hue. Another very distinctive physical characteristic of the fish is that it has a well developed nuchal hump. The hump is more pronounced among the male species of the fish.