Scientific Name: Copadichromis borleyi (Kadango) is commonly called red fin because of the red fins seen on the attractive juveniles. This beautiful fish is commonly found on the rocky habitats though out Lake Malawi. This mild tempered, fast growing, dimorphic maternal mouth brooder makes a beautiful additional to any Malawi tank. This carnivore reaches a maximum size of 7 to 8 inches and enjoys a diet of Red Zebra Stampede and Rainbow Zebra foods, supplemented with Krill. This fish is commonly included in the Hap and Hap/peacock mixes featured on this site. A tank size of 55 gallon and larger is recommended and temp of 78 to 82 degrees and an aquarium or cichlid salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons is also helpful. Video below is of a our farm pond in Florida