Acanthurus triostegus Common Name: Convict Tang, Convict Surgeonfish Description: The Convict Tang can have either a white or yellow body with black vertical stripes. This Tang is rather simple in color and appearance. Recommended Tank Size: The Convict Tang should be kept in a tank able to hold at least 75 gallons of water. The temperature should range between 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH level of about 8.1-8.4. This fish will do best in a tank that is properly oxygenated and that has gone through the aquarium nitrogen cycle. The Convict Tang is generally very peaceful and will get along with other tankmates, but it may not do as well with other Surgeonfish. Food & Diet: The Convict Tang is an herbivore. This fish should be fed a variety of marine foods but mainly marine algae. Their food selections should be vitamin enriched flake foods, frozen foods, or live preparation. Level of Care: Easy Reef Compatibility: Reef Compatible