
ORANGE SHOULDER TANG - Small 2 - 3 inches

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TANG ORANGE SHOULDER SMALL Acanthurus olivaceus Common Name: Orange Shoulder Tang, Orangeshoulder Surgeonfish, Orange-epaulette Surgeonfish, Orangespot Surgeonfish, Orangeband Surgeonfish Description: The Orange Should Tang has one very interesting trait that sets it apart from other Tangs. This fish has the ability to change colors in an instant. When this Tang is a juvenile it is solid yellow with a slight hint of blue on the anal and dorsal fins. As an adult, the front half of this fish's body turns light gray while the back half turns dark gray almost blue in color. There is an orange stripe outline by the dark gray located just above the pectoral fins and the tail of the fish is lyre shaped. Recommended Tank Size: The Orange Shoulder Tang should be kept in a tank able to hold at least 135 gallons of water with a temperature range between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH level of about 8.1-8.4. All this tank needs it plenty of room for swimming. This fish is generally peaceful in a tank with other fish of different species. Food & Diet: The Orange Shoulder Tang is an herbivore. This fish may eat dried seaweed, marine algae, mysid shrimp, spirulina, romaine llettuce, and fresh seaweed. Their diet may also consist of other meaty foods, pellets, and flakes. Level of Care: Moderate Reef Compatibility: Reef compatible